Next Generation Telecom Transport Network
For Telecommunication
The industry’s smallest and most efficient, ideal for mobile backhaul and packet transport network deployments. Optimize your existing mobile infrastructure to meet growing needs for capacity and emerging services.
Network Upgrade
Network modernization and upgrade using Plexstar equipment may help you manage impact of rapidly increasing demand patterns and emerging technologies on performance and availability.
Datacenter Connect
Plexstar equipment based solutions may help to optimally interconnect distributed data centers resource pools across entire network and infrastructure. It may also augment initiative in building scalable data centers.
Digital Video Transport
Plexstar can provide state-of-the-art transport solutions for service providers who wish to establish high quality and scalable fiber-to-home Internet services supporting High-Definition (HD, 4K, 8K) video/TV service.
Large Industries
Users may leverage intelligent IP service edge and advances in Plexstar’s networking equipment to implement a converged, scalable, and robust multiservice IP infrastructure within geographically spread large industrial complexes.
Multiple-System Operators
Plexstar equipment follows and support industry standard protocols, thus allowing seamless integration from equipment of other vendors deployed in the same network as long as that equipment also follows industry standard protocols.